  • 品牌名称:环照门业  成立年份:2007年
  • 产品:
  • 联系人:环照门业  注册资金::800.0万元
  • 公司全称:北京旭日环照新型建材有限公司
  • 公司地址:北京市大兴区魏善庄镇龙达大街北京密码1号院2号楼5单元5层509室





Beijing XRHZ New building Materials Co. Ltd. was established in 2007. It is a professional manufacturing services provider, which sets design, production, sales and maintenance service in one of rapid shutter door, high-speed accumulation door, industrial lift sliding doors, soft curtains, soft crystal panels, barrier machine and automatic control products. It is member of committee under the Construction sector in automatic doors, garage doors technology standardization. Meanwhile the company has a number of patented technologies. It is one of the earliest companies in manufacturing and selling industrial door in domestic. 旭日环照团队

Depending on the advanced management mode, the spirit of continuous innovation and perfect service system, Rising Sun Huanzhao has set up supply and marketing relationship with thousands of domestic and foreign companies. The company has established a number of branches and offices by radial chain in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, 

Wuhan, Shenzhen, Quanzhou, Xiamen, Shenyang, Changchun and other major cities. And in 2008, its products have been sold to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, the United States and other countries and regions. 
旭日环照公司秉承"诚信经营,进取创新"的企业宗旨,以独特的设计,先进的技术,良好的服务,合理的价格竭诚为广大用户提供高品质的产品和服务,旭日环照着力于高质、高效、节能、防尘产品的开发与研制。把高品质、高效率的产品交付给客户。您的满意是我们共同的愿望!让您选择旭日环照产品感到更骄傲!! 诚信与质量铸就-旭日环照 
Rising Sun Huanzhao takes the tenet of"honest management, enterprise innovation", through a unique design, advanced technology, better service, reasonable prices to provide customers with first-class products and services. Rising Sun Huanzhao focus on development and research of high quality, efficient, energy- saving, dust-proof products and provide customers products with highest quality, high efficiency. Your satisfaction is our common desire! You will feel more proud by choosing Rising Sun! Integrity and quality build -XRHZ

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